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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fox Attack part 2 out of 3

The fox that Echostar leaped on pinned her to the ground but Echostar wiggled free (lol i love that word wiggle). "Everyone", she order, "Lead to foxes to the lake, we can swim but they can't". So they did as they were told they all ran out of the camp and the foxes chased them.


  1. Echostar saw the lake just ahead of them.

  2. Mistypelt froze in the corner of her den, looming shadows drenched over her, foxes cornered her, she yowled and unleashed her claws...

    P.S. still no letter lolz whens ur bday?

  3. (my b-day is Oct. 18 and Wolf Spirit me is SO sorry I thought I sent the letter but my sister took it from the mail box and hide it)

  4. Echostar saw that Mistypelt was missing. Soon she dashed to camp and looked for Mistypelt. (Rest will continue in the next post, 'Fox Attack Part 3 of 3)
