BerryClan Chat/Roleplay Box! Please enjoy!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Echostar and BerryClan cats headed to the gathering. No one was there.

continued in comments

Saturday, October 16, 2010

More Cats

Echostar yowled, "We have two new cats. They are Faytepaw and Mysticsong. Faytepaw will be mentored by Sharpstone"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Ok if you look under the cBox rules you'll see a list of clans. I out them there so I can advertise them.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Okay, if no one ever comes on atleast once a day, I might delete BerryClan.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Important News!!! (not clan related)

GRRR..... BerryClan! Why don't people come on BerryClan anymore! People please come on BerryClan more often!!

Thank you


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Members!

"Let all cats old catch their own prey gather under the Berrystone for a clan meeting!", Echostar yowled, her yowled ran through the camp. "We have two new cats in BerryClan", she smiled at Dovepaw and Wolf. "From this day forward, Wolf, you will be known as Wolfeye, and Dovepaw will train as an appentice and her mentor shall be Riverfrost. That is all."

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Gathering! Come! BirchClan, BerryClan, and ClawClaw will be here!

Echostar leaped on the GreatStone (or whatever its called) and saw that Lionstar and Leafstar were already here, "Echostar, Lionstar", Leafstar mewed. "Hello Leafstar", Echostar and Lionstar mewed at the same time.
~Gathering Starts~
"Cats of all clans ClawClan's senior warrior, Hawkclaw, has gone missing", Lionstar yowled, " But other than that prey is coming on fine".

~Other Clan leaders will comment their clan info~

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thanks Amber!

Amber! Thank you so  much for adding the pictures and cBox! Since I'm new to blogging I had no idea how to add them. Thx!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Echostar! I have a message for you! (not blog related)

Hey Amberstar here!

Well--- Echostar can you add me as a full admin?
Just go to the place where you add admins, and then click on the thing that says: "Grant Full Permission" or something like that!!!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Members

Echostar leaped on the Berrystone. "Cats of BerryClan we have new membera joining us!", she yowled, "They will be known as Flarepaw", she mewed to the young tom, "and Featherbreeze", she yowled, "aslo Flarepaw will be Mistypelt's appentice.

Flarepaw! Featherbreeze! Flarepaw! Featherbreeze!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Animals/People I play as online

Sunshine/Flowerpaw- TwilightClan
Skypaw/Echospots- RougeClan
Echospots/Rainkit - BirchClan
Skycloud- IceClan, DeathClan, and PoplarClan
Echo- Rouge and Kittypets World Collide
Echostar- BerryClan! DUH!
Skyfire: Dragons Of Smoke Mounatain

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Fox Attack part 3 of 3

Oh no, Echostar thought. She raced towards camp and dashed into the Medicine Cat Den and leaped on the fox that has Mistypelt trapped in the corner trembling in fear. "Get out of her", Echostar yowled. Mistypelt nodded and fled. Echostar followed her leading the 2 mouse-brained foxes following them. "Head to the lake and and swim to the rocks that Sharpstone and Shinecloud are on.", Echostar said. Mistypelt nodded. When they got to the lake, they swam to the rocks. Echostar looked back and saw that the foxes has drowned. "Guts let's head back", Echostar mewed. Sharpstone nodded, Echostar looked at Mistypelt and Shinecloud and they nodded.
They all followed Echostar home.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Echostar's Nine Lives

Life 1: Honesty by Owlstar (father)
Life 2: Fairness by Berrystar (leader before Owlstar)
Life 3: Courge by Featherfur (mother)
Life 4: Energy by Breezeclaw (brother)
Life 5: Love by Hawktalon (mate)
Life 6: Kindness by Skyflower (sister)
Life 7: Caring by Snowyeyes (mentor)
Life 8: Loyality by Icepaw (appentice)
Life 9: Protecting your Clanmates at any cost by Eaglecloud (brother that died of greencough)

Fox Attack part 2 out of 3

The fox that Echostar leaped on pinned her to the ground but Echostar wiggled free (lol i love that word wiggle). "Everyone", she order, "Lead to foxes to the lake, we can swim but they can't". So they did as they were told they all ran out of the camp and the foxes chased them.

Fox Attack part 1 out of 3

Echostar was bleeding badly when a fox scratched her shoulder, she ran into the Medicine Cat Den where she saw Mistypelt tending to Shinecloud's would. Just then out of no where Echostar fainted. She had lost her first life. (StarClan visit will not be shown in Fox Attack it will be shown in a future post called Echostar's Visit). Soon she woke up she felt much better and tackle a fox that corner Sharpstone.

~Rest will be posted soon and I got a chance on my laptop~ :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bad News...... but Good News

"Cats of BerryClan I, Echostar, cannot be on BerryClan for a long time because my laptop was taken away from me and school has started... but I would kile to welcome my new deputy Sharpstone." Sharpstone smiled at his new leader. "Shinecloud please welcome him."
(lol on how I said laptop and school in Echostar's announcement lol)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I dont know if my deputy will be Amberstar or Brightstar. Amber, Bright you gusy are really cool but idk who to pick for deputy.

I need Followers!

Dear BerryClan cats,

If you can plz follow BerryClan.


if someone can add a cbox I would be super HAPPY!

Join BerryClan!

Your going through the forest, suddenly you bump into a pretty black and white she-cat. "Sorry", you mew.
"It's ok", she replies, "My name is Echostar, I lead BerryClan if you want to join I'll need your..."

Rank: (Warrior, MedicineCat (Taken), MedicineCat Appentice (taken), Appentice, Queen, Kit, Elder)
Gender: (Tom (boy), She-cat (girl))
Picture: (you dont need a URL but it would be easier)
Other: (Here you can put if you're in BerryClan or if you want to be loner/rouge)